Easter Egg Hunt, 1961.

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Severely underexposed slide from this set, made legible through Photoshop: a small child, bundled tightly against the elements, picking up an Easter egg near a propane tank, 1961.
Minnesota's Christmas Tree, 1961.

In 1961, new governor Elmer Andersen sent his finest tree-experts to find a grand tree, an amazing tree, a tree that was big and accessible to crane, to place on the State Capital lawn. The tree was found in the pasture of Seldon Banks, who donated it to the state. The image above is of Andersen's first official Minnesota Christmas Tree, from the year before; the misleading caption referring to the "Second tree" in the article is the 1962 tree that was erected before The Farmer could get a photo for their cover.
Labels: 1960s, 1961, 1962, christmas, christmas tree, Elmer Andersen, minnesota history
A-C WD and Swather, 1961

An Allis-Chalmers WD pulling a swather; dated by lab "Aug 1961".
Labels: 1960s, 1961, allis-chalmers, farming, swather
4Hers At Roundup, 1961

4H members staying out of the sun during the 1961 Round-Up, a sort of 4H-only county fair held in Moorhead, Minnesota for Clay County members. From a 35mm slide.
Labels: 1960s, 1961, 4h, clay county history, minnesota, moorhead
4H IH Scout

Labels: 1960s, 1961, 4h, automobilia, ih, international harvester, scout
4H in Downtown Moorhead, Minnesota, 1961

see also: older Washington 4H parades * Cali 4H in the 20s * Moorhead Center Mall history
Labels: 1960s, 1961, 4h, minnesota, minnesota history, moorhead, parade