Big Spunk Rest Area

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This rest area is located along the eastbound path of I-94 in central Minnesota, at mile-marker 152 just west of Avon. It conforms to most Minnesota rest area styles, having separate truck and auto parking, a heavily-treed grassy area spotted with park benches and outdoor shelters, a 'pet exercise area' separated from the main area by the parking spaces, and a clean, large building with spacious restrooms.

Main Building

The rest stop building has a payphone, large restrooms, and three vending machines. The center of the large entry atrium is clumsily occupied by a large three-sided metal kiosk, approximately 5' to a side, covered with maps and housing the one payphone. The vending machines are not branded by any soda company: they are titled "Great River Road Scenic Byway" and "Edge of the Wilderness Scenic Byway".

180px}"Great River Road Scenic Byway" vending machine

Internet Notariety

The name "big spunk" appeals to the least-common-demoninator humor that is common on the internet, with photos appearing on a number of popular websites: